Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Thompsons' European Adventures

April 18, 2010 Update: Isabella is now "cruising" instead of crawling. The hardwood floors they have make it easier to scoot around on her stomach than to crawl. She is also standing now.
Philipp was stuck in Budapest, Hungary this week by the Iceland volcano eruption and had to take a train home.
Katie will be going to Brynn's in May, for a couple of weeks. They are going to have a ball and the tentative plans are to travel to Switzerland, Milan (Italy), and Prague (Czech Republic).
April 9,2010 Update: We're home. Plenty of pics to look at: Picasa

April 5, 2010 Update: Love Germany. Some days we walk a mile to one place, another mile to another, a mile back home, and do it all again two or three more times that day without realizing you are walking that much because everywhere you go is something new to see. We've shopped a little, eaten at some really good cafes, had some great meals at home- everything from turkey and dressing to schnitzel and fried potatoes.
One day we went by train to Ettlingen for awhile and today we traveled again by train into the Black Forest to the town of Freudenstadt which was beautiful although cold at those elevations. Shopped at the largest open-air market in Germany while there. Tomorrow we will stay close to Karlsruhe and Wednesday we are driving across the Rhine River into France. Thursday we head home. Of course, the main part of the trip is seeing Isabella and her mom and dad.
I will probably wait until I get home to post pictures but have a lot of them.
March 29, 2010 Update: We're gone again. The wife and I are headed to Germany to see Brynn, Philipp, and Isabella. Flying out of Nashville on Tuesday afternoon and will arrive in Frankfurt at 11AM on Wednesday. From there we will take the train and hopefully end up somewhere near the city of Karlsruhe.
I will be updating the site, as always, but this time it will be from Germany. Actually, with the 7-hour time zone change it will be easier from Europe. Instead of updating at 6AM I can wait until noon!
Check in here occasionally as I plan to update our trip. Email me, as always, if you need any changes/corrections made. I hope to encourage schools next year to purchase a one-time $40 CoachT Plus membership so they can update and edit their schedules and results for all of their sports at their leisure.


November 26, 2009 Update: Happy Thanksgiving and 4th Anniversary to Brynn and Philipp as they move into their new apartment today n Karlsruhe, Germany. Get my bedroom ready by summer! Oh, kinda like that little girl you've got with you, too.
June 1,2009 Update: She's home again. My wife, Elaine, has been traveling with a group of Lawrence County students in France and Spain. The students returned home on Friday June 7th while Elaine stayed in Germany to visit our daughter for a week. And, here I sat.
France and Spain Photos of May-June 2009 Trip
Rhine River to Strasbourg, France day trip- Elaine and Brynn
I have shared photos occasionally with CoachT Plus members and thought that some of you might enjoy looking through them.
My wife, Elaine, teaches French and has now taken 14 trips to Europe with high school students over the last 31 years. I made three of those with her before I became the one to stay home with our kids.
Our oldest, Brynn, spent her junior year of college in Marseilles, France and now lives in Germany. She travels all over Europe with her husband, Philipp.
Mark has traveled to Europe three times, once as a student with his mom and once to a Manchester United game in the UK. He also attended Brynn's wedding in the German Alps along with the rest of us.
Katie also went on one of Elaine's trips and to Brynn's wedding.

Brynn's civil ceremony was conducted at Bolongaro Palas in Frankfurt, Germany

Evangelisch Stadtkirche- the church in Tuttlingen, Germany for Brynn's religious ceremony

The family at Honberg Castle with church in background

The snowy Danube River in Tuttlingen

The vows

Schloss Neuschwanstein

The Calanques

The entrance to Salsburg, Austria (The Sound of Music)

Photo Galleries:
Marseille, France: February & March, 2004. Taken by Brynn while attending the University of Marseilles

The Calanques, March 2004: Narrow coastal inlets from Marseilles to Cassis
Marseille: February & March, 2004- including Aix-en-Provence
Youth Hostel: Early February, 2004
Euromed Marseille: February, 2004

Photo Galleries:
Linz, Austria Area: January, 2004. Taken by Brynn while visiting a friend.


Schloss Neuschwanstein & Hohenschwangau Castle in southern Germany: January 13,2004
Neuschwanstein Castle still belongs to the Wittelsbach family which ruled Bavaria for over 700 years before the Austro-Prussian War brought their reign to an end (1866: they backed Austria; Prussia won). It is currently leased to Bavaria for 200 years, in part to pay off the debt that Ludwig II incurred having it built. It is said that the Wittelsbachs can hardly wait for 2120 when the lease expires. To preserve their property rights, the family does not allow unauthorized photographs of the inside.
Hohenschwangau Castle, located on the southern tip of Germany in the town of Schwangau, was constructed in the 12th century. The builders and lords of the castle were the Knights of Schwangau. The Knights died out in the 16th century & the castle was exposed to ruin. During the Napoleonic wars, the castle was badly damaged & was purchased by the Crown Prince Maximilian, later King Maximilian II, father of King Ludwig II.

Brynn's Wedding in Germany: November 26, 2005

Wissembourg France: April 1, 2006. Taken by Brynn with husband, Philipp

Brynn in Tunisia: May 31, 2006. Taken by Brynn with husband, Philipp

Explorica Pics of France/Spain Trip: June 2006

Katie's European Adventure: June 2006
Random European Pics: 2007
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