Sunday, August 17, 2008

Empty Nest Syndrome... or Strange Days Are Coming

For the third and final time one of the Thompson clan is heading out into the world. Our youngest, Katie, will be heading off to East Tennessee State University on Wednesday to join her brother, Mark, and to also follow in the footsteps of our oldest child, Brynn, at ETSU. We obviously think highly of ETSU.

I could throw all kinds of philosophical statements at you at this point but I'll just say that this time will be much different because they are now all gone. I am not exactly sure how it will be around the house, to tell you the truth, only how I think it will be. There are probably some pluses to this but I will have to experience those before I know what they are.

The realization I had several years ago, when Brynn moved to Germany and when Mark first left for college, is that I did miss them but that, at that point in time and still today, they are where they are meant to be.

When I leave Johnson City on Thursday, and leave Katie behind, I will not be happy and, yet, I will be overjoyed. Every parent knows what I mean. At that point in time, Katie will be exactly where she is meant to be.

The Littlest "T"
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