Saturday, June 21, 2008

CoachT's First Blog Attempt

I've got to start making more lists. Every day it seems I am trying to remember things I had planned to do or something I needed at the store. Yesterday I went to a Home Depot and as soon as I got home I remembered something I needed. Sitting here today I have no idea what it was I "remembered". I've got to start making more lists.

I don't think it is old age that keeps me from remembering but simply that life in this day and age has so many more levels to it that it is much more difficult to keep your focus. Now I have arrived at a different obstacle- what topics to write about that haven't been worn out already.

If you had told me 20 years ago that someday I was going to "blog", I wonder what I would have thought you were talking about?

iamoz sent me some recommendations to get me started and I have added them to my list. So far most of the topics that have joined his are sports-related but that is not necessarily the way I want to approach this. Family, school, life experiences, and things other than sports are interesting topics, too. As time goes on this will get long as I remember to make a list.

Got something you think would be a good topic? Email it to me at [email protected] and, just so you know, I have dedicated one whole legal pad to creating the list and I will tell my wife where it is. She doesn't seem to be nearly as affected by the levels of life that make it so much more difficult to keep your focus. Wonder why? That would make a good topic.

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Posted by CoachT at 8:35 AM · 1474 Views · COMMENTS