CCS "Wins" In Draw With Baylor

Chargers Prove Tough In Soccer Battle

  • Wednesday, April 17, 2024
  • Alex McElyea

The Chattanooga Christian School's Chargers soccer team proved a point against the Baylor Red Raiders on Tuesday night. CCS has had a lot to prove over the last few years. They play in a difficult division with multiple teams that rank in the top ten of the state. They knew that this opportunity should not be wasted. The results of that game were 0-0, so why would that be a proven point?

The term underdog cannot be more fitting for this. On paper it seemed as though the Red Raiders would easily win this one. Baylor is ranked tenth in the state and CCS 19th. On top of this, Baylor held home field advantage. This goes to show that looks can be deceiving. Not to take any credit from the Chargers, because they proved to everyone in attendance that their school deserves to be in consideration for the top team in Chattanooga.

The game kicked off with CCS in possession. The Red Raiders pressed hard from the start to try and shake their opponent. Each team, at first, showed a 4-3-3 formation which focuses on attacking and chance creation. However, they both ended up changing to a 4-4-2 formation in order to lock down on defense. This was something both teams did to near perfection.

Tension between players only worsened as the game progressed. Neither team were able to find a solution on offense. They had plenty of chances on both ends of the field to find the back of the net, but nothing came of it. Baylor looked to get the ball to their two forwards who were, not only more than capable to, but highly motivated to take on the defenders with their technical skills. They had size and quickness to be a threat on the wings.

The Chargers, as usual, focused on their set pieces. They have one of the best set piece plans of any team in their area. They have a package that includes a long throw in from Urban Tucker that gets them in the box almost every time. They also have two great free kicks and corner kickers in Josh Grant and JD Patton. They did change some things up and found some chances through Ethan Regis on the wing. Regis was very comfortable this game and took on players left and right.

The first half did not produce any action with the exception of a few close chances. The second half was the complete opposite. Neither team able to find a goal, the half still produced almost three times as many chances as the previous. Baylor opened up with the ball and took control of possession fast. They put three or four promising chances in the box consecutively.

One thing that killed Baylor was their composure in the final minutes. Baylor seemed unsure what to do like they had never been in this situation. They responded slowly, which forced them to be one step behind the whole game. After this it was just one decision after another made purely from frustration. This led to several cards including a red card for Carter Weekly. He will be forced to miss the next match.

CCS had other plans and not only won the possession back, but they won momentum and never let go of it. There was something inside of them, this half that had not been seen up to that point. This was a new a new Chargers side playing a new kind of soccer. They have shown since the beginning of the season that they are a good team with skill all around. Playing the Red Raiders opened up room for greater potential. They were filled with energy and chemistry and never once tired out. Coach Tyler Robertson, the head coach for CCS, spoke about this team and what they can do.

“We have struggled in our region over the last few years. Obviously, with the likes of Baylor and McCallie, Knox Webb and Knox Catholic, we have just been right there every year. When we are competing against these good teams and getting good results, it is only building confidence for us. I think we now know that we can compete with these guys. When it was 0-0 with ten minutes left, we have been working on fitness this year. I think our fitness really helps us at the end of the game. We are really alive, and we wanted a result.”

CCS think they could be a force in not just the Chattanooga area, but the state of Tennessee as well. They have always had the program to do it. Now they have the skill and the youth. They have several talented freshman and sophomores that will be with them for years to come.


Game Summary

CCS                0          0          --0

Baylor             0          0          --0

(Email Alex McElyea at


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